:: re-adjustable wings ::

now with velcro tabs
02/01/2003 - 03/01/200303/01/2003 - 04/01/200304/01/2003 - 05/01/200305/01/2003 - 06/01/200306/01/2003 - 07/01/200307/01/2003 - 08/01/200308/01/2003 - 09/01/200309/01/2003 - 10/01/200310/01/2003 - 11/01/200311/01/2003 - 12/01/200312/01/2003 - 01/01/200401/01/2004 - 02/01/200402/01/2004 - 03/01/200403/01/2004 - 04/01/200404/01/2004 - 05/01/200405/01/2004 - 06/01/200406/01/2004 - 07/01/200407/01/2004 - 08/01/200401/01/2005 - 02/01/200502/01/2005 - 03/01/200503/01/2005 - 04/01/200505/01/2005 - 06/01/2005
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you lazy ass
Listening to:
Somewhere only we know -
Tsubasa Chronicle
Devil May Cry 2
job hunting
sorta blah
Vital Stats
brittany lee
not enough
too much
currently open for donations
excessive sleeping, useless comic trivia
volleyball, sleep, tv, art, anime, comics, games, this blog, chalk festivals, and college. especially college.
Pet Peeves:
spiders, damn spiders
i heart anybody with an eyepatch

somebody told me that you had a boyfriend who looked like a girlfriend that i had in february of last year

So I watched Star Wars: Episode III.

It did, as I had predicted, suck badly, but not to the extent I had thought it would. The acting was terrible, the dialogue was abismal, many scenes dragged on, and Jar Jar Binks was in it. Mercifully, he did not speak, and I did love the tiny appearance of Padme's maid/bodydouble, whose name escapes me at the moment. Also, with all the limbs flying about and people bursting into flames, I was vaguely reminded of Kill Bill, which made me laugh.

I did a lot of laughing.

Again, as with too many movies now-a-days, I'm always the one laughing the most at inapropriate moments during the film.

Redeeming qualities were of course the music (classic) and the orgasmic special effects, which were...uh, orgasmic. But that was all to be expected. I feel they used R2 D2 too much in this episode (actually, throughout the whole trilogy), but he was some much needed comic relief (for everyone else except me, as I laughed at everything anyways).

I was actually pretty happy about the fact that they introduced Luke and Leia at the end of the movie. With all the Birth! of twins, and Death! of Padme, and Birth! of Darth Vader, and Death! of Anakin, and YouCannotEscapeFate!Dooooom. OMGsoSYMBOLIC!!1!eleventy!!one!!1!

Well, yeah. I was also really disappointed in the whole Jedi genocide thing. I mean, sure, they weren't expecting the clone soldiers to turn on them, but come on. It seems most of them went down without even raising an eyebrow. Or tentacle. Or gill. I mean, I'm no expert on Star Wars, but these are Jedi Masters are they not? Those tiny Australian kids put up more of a fight.

Anyhow, I was laughing a lot, yes, but actual cringing was at a minimum, and that alone makes it better than the first two episodes.

Also, my comment box seems to not be working, but I cannot bring myself to care about it enough to learn how to fix it.

:: britt was abducted @ 9:32 PM, Friday, May 27, 2005 ::

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oh simple thing where have you gone

Bad luck seems to hitting the whole family recently - my grandma had minor surgery for maybe malignent/maybe benign skin cancer, my mom lost her keys (again), my dad wrecked the car (again), my brother may not graduate this summer (again), and I won't be going to school in the summer (again).


So all those people who I promised I'd visit....oops. Sorry. But I really don't have a car...

On a completely different vein, the day of Star Wars III nationwide release (or day before, technically) father-dear and I went down to the Arclight to watch Kung-Fu Hustle and were treated to a freak show mini star wars con freak show of plastic light sabers, potato sack robes, storm troopers, darth vaders and Leia in a gold bikini. It was very scary. There was even a mock Lightsaber fight (timed, no doubt, to one of the climactic fights in episode II). I would have tried to watch it but the mass of sweaty, hairy, plastic-covered people with long pointed sticks were sufficient in keeping me the hell away.

On the bright side, this was Star Wars and not Star Trek, so no one was speaking Klingon. It's these kinds of things which remind me why I don't go to Anime Cons.

Kung-Fu Hustle was great, by the way.

I've also learned that there is going to be a movie adaptation of the novel Memoirs of a Geisha slated for release 2005, which makes me squirm with giddyness - although Zhang Ziyi has netted the main role of Sayuri, so unless the film is in Mandarin (which it isn't), I can't imagine how she'll pull it off as I have equally dubious opinions of Zhang's English and Japanese skills. There's a reason she doesn't have a speaking role in Rush Hour 2.

In anime news, Naruto and Sasuke are gay.

And I guess that sums it all up pretty well

:: britt was abducted @ 10:51 PM, Wednesday, May 25, 2005 ::

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i want to look at them forever

I've been almost diligently watching Mai-HiME (My-Hime? whatever), and after loving it off the start to hating it with a sort if mad, sneering passion, I am back to loving it again. All because TATE DIES. Yes! It may sound mean and unfeeling of me, but never was there a more useless character to get as much acknowledgement as he did. I was just sitting around waiting the past 5 episodes for someone to just whack Shiho's ugly vulture child so Mophead would go sparkly poof and we could get on with the damn plot. Seriously, he's in like, 7 episodes, and is repeatedly useless in all of them. He's there for bad fanboy-self-insert appeal. I have no qualms with saying I am quite happy that he is quite dead. Barring the whole History Reset (anime epilogue #3) ending anyways.

Also a plus, Nastuki (yay!) has finally got her mojo back, and crazy-bestfriend-lesbian-studentcouncilpresident-hime Shizuru is making me squeal with glee whenever she goes out and destroys things that may or may not have any relevance to Natsuki. We also finally get our first glimpse of the nefarious First District, which is run by dastardly old ladies in kimonos and sandles. They flee from the terror that is Crazy!Shizuru and her demon Octo-snake child. I laugh to think that anime has created for us yet another Crazy Lesbian Who Is In Love With Her Best Friend (tm). Sigh. It's always one of my favorite characters that goes out, molests people in their sleep, loses it, and then goes on insane destructive rampages. She'll probably die too. But that's probably more because she's the Tragic Lesbian Character (tm), and thats what they do.

Oh, and the theme of the series now appears to be: "Yourself first, fuck everybody else." That also makes me deliriously happy. I can't wait for the last 2 eps.

:: britt was abducted @ 8:29 PM, Saturday, March 19, 2005 ::

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i picture you in the sun

Rewatching the Chuunin Exam arc in Naruto is...trying. While I applaud the fact the Sakura actually got off her butt and did something, it remains that it was UTTERLY USELESS. Since I don't really feel like a long rant, I'll just say its really beginning to piss me off (or perhaps already has) that there is a lack of strong female characters. They're all coming off as pretty wimpy and, well, stupid. Even if I like them. In fact, the only one who seems to have any worth at all is Temari, who for some reason just doesn't appeal to me. Although in the last episode, her blatant disregard to shinobi-style combat by employing brute force to deal complete and utter destruction warmed my heart.

"The big surprise in this episode is that Shimako is a Buddhist, yet she goes to a Catholic school. The other big surprise is that Tsunade's giant slug in Naruto sounds exactly like Shimako."

Which was great because that was first thing that popped into my mind when the slug started talking. And it's true! Who would've ever thought a slug could sound so polite?

On a completely different matter, watching the preview of the this weeks "Simple Life: Interns," or whatever its called (the one with Paris Hilton and her ugly friend), I find myself alternately repulsed and intrigued. While I am low enough to stoop to watching reality tv, there are certain boundaries which I dare not cross. And yet, I find myself involved in an internal struggle whether or not to actually watch the damn episode because, well...there's an attack duck. Ohhh, but I want one.

:: britt was abducted @ 9:28 PM, Wednesday, March 16, 2005 ::

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you grip your right hand tightly to confirm its there

My new obsession is Full Metal Alchemist. As I took the term off, I gleefully marathoned the whole series in a couple of weeks, and am hopelessly addicted. I love it so, with its reams of unending angst and questionable philosophical morality and vague parallel!universe ending. Everything was just so nicely jumbled and dark and gritty and oh, teh ANGST!

As per usual, the main character (Edward Elric) wasn't my favorite character, but I didn't dislike him, which is unusual for me. I absolutely adored Alphonse and the Homunculus (sans Wrath, I hated that little bugger) and I have this huge soft spot for Mustang and his harem--er, military posse. Except Hawkeye. I have more than a soft spot for her. It's more like total LOVE and ADORATION. If I was the crazy sort of otaku (which I'm not, really) who decorates her room with anime paraphernalia, you bet I'd have a huge banner proclaiming "I HEART RIZA" on it. But I don't. Have a banner. I do heart Riza, though.

It was a pretty big surprise when I found that the mangaka (and sole creator!) of FMA was a woman. I mean, the series is obviously (almost hardcore) shounen, and the manga has such a dark, morbid sense of humor. Which I, of course, enjoyed immensely. Anyways, kudos and much love to Arakawa Hiromu for her series.

On another completely unrelated topic, Stephanie March came back last night on Law & Order: SVU as ADA (or rather, ex-ADA) Alex Cabot. I was devastated - okay, not devastated as much as moderately disappointed - when Cabot was shot and shipped off via Witness Protection Program last, er...two seasons? ago. It wouldn't have been such a downer, I think, if TPTB had not replaced her with the devil ADA Novak. Nevertheless, the poor scripting, bad acting, pissant directing, etc. didn't stop me from grinning with joy at the unchanged InYourFace!Alex, who, despite being realistically useless for the whole episode, shone on screen in all her glory, for all of her 15 minutes of screentime. And not just because she ditched the Bangs!Of!Shame.

Izumi: You idiot! Why the hell did you get kidnapped!?
Alphonse: Ssssooooorrrryyyyy!!
Lackey #1: Hey you! Don't pretend we're not here!
Lackey #2: Who the hell are you!?
-FMA Manga

I love Izumi too.

:: britt was abducted @ 4:20 PM, Wednesday, February 23, 2005 ::

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your obedient servant, o.g.

Mom and I apparently haven't had our fill of Broadway went we went to New York a couple weeks ago, where we saw Fiddler on the Roof and Rent - which I loved, and which we won front row tickets to in a raffle costing 20 bucks a peice - so we decided to go watch Movie!Phantom of the Opera back here in LA. Now, since I've never seen the actual play (or even read the novel for that matter) I can't really complain about differences and what not, or compare crawford and gerard (although I love Sarah Brightman) but that movie was the BEST and the WORST thing ever. I am so in love with it, and I am now completely obsessed with the soundtrack. Total Lurv. It's so corny. I listen to it over and over and over....

I also loved that Madame Giry was the only French person, among a whole bunch of French people, who spoke with a French accent. And I know it can't just be me, but the whole thing was about SEX. It wasn't even subtle about it. I appreciated that too. Bwahahahahaaa.

Also, Phantom of the Opera in 15 minutes, which is utterly hilarious and the most perfect thing ever.

Christine: And if he kidnaps me again, I’m going to be stuck down there forever... getting sexed up until the end of time, or until one of us dies from the massive amounts of constant, 24-7, day-and-night sexing.

It's funny because we all know its true.

More also, http://penisland.net

You pervert. I know what you were thinking.

:: britt was abducted @ 6:59 PM, Sunday, January 23, 2005 ::

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come forth, seratonin; appear dopamine; relaxation combat team valerian, here at your service!

Aha! I do still exist on the web!

Anyways, yes its been a long time (nearly half a year!) but I've decided that since I have the Spring term off I should cut down my daily hibernation of 12 hours a day to about 10 and spend some extra time reassuring Ellie I'm not dead by posting in this darn thing. Hi dear! Don't call, I don't wanna hear you bitching about long distance charges.

I have been dutifully keeping up with the anime/manga frenzy - yes, I did watch all of Naruto, and yes, I do think he's just a bratty jackass. I of course like Gaara, Kakashi, Anko (I don't know why), Itachi and Haku, but they're either dead already or going to be. Everyone else annoys me. Well, Kurenai's not bad, but I do like her name. But if thats the case, I also like Neji too, outstanding bastard he is.

The new anime season promises to be depressingly full of crap, except a little Ah! My Goddess jem. I love Kosuke Fujishima, and love his stuff. I'm thrilled there's gonna be an AMG series (its about time)and it just makes me deliriously happy that almost all of the original seiyuus are back. I almost squealed like a yaoi fangirl, I did.

I'm sure I had more to talk about...but I'm lazy.

Oh, Monty Python rocks.

:: britt was abducted @ 8:49 PM, Saturday, January 15, 2005 ::

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