Time-killers: volleyball, sleep, tv, art, anime, comics, games, this blog, chalk festivals, and college. especially college.
Pet Peeves: spiders, damn spiders
Weaknesses: eyepatches i heart anybody with an eyepatch
i'm only a man in a silly red sheet
Finally watched Kill Bill Volume 2, and am not sure whether to be disappointed or relieved at the absolute lack of blood and gore. I spent all two hours poised in my (rather uncomfortable) seat ready to cringe at the appropriate beheading/dismemberment/general spatter-infested scenes only to watch every character die whole with all previously functioning body parts. Well, mostly.
I was happy that there weren't as many flashbacks as the first and there were plenty of eye-catching (ewww, no pun intended) and aesthetically pleasing shots, but I kept reminding myself that Tarantino killed off all the minorities in the first volume, and then kicking myself for caring.
I also found I especially missed Gogo Yubari. There's just something about a person who is so delightedly insane, and so inordinately pleased about it. It must be the schoolgirl uniform.
O-ren: Gogo, I think you should transfer to this school.
Gogo: ...
O-ren: Their uniforms are sailor styled.
Gogo: ...
O-ren: It's extremely popular. You'll probably get a chance to kill more people wearing this.
Gogo: ...Okay.
In a completely unrelated matter, I just might be doing the Chalk Festival again this year. Oh, the joy is overwhelming.
:: britt was abducted @ 12:30 AM,
Tuesday, May 25, 2004