Time-killers: volleyball, sleep, tv, art, anime, comics, games, this blog, chalk festivals, and college. especially college.
Pet Peeves: spiders, damn spiders
Weaknesses: eyepatches i heart anybody with an eyepatch
the weary, wayward wanderer bore to his own native shore
On Friday Brandon arrived from his camping trip in Santa Barbara, and stayed the weekend and then some with us for the remainder of his spring break. It was pretty fun, we hadn't seen him in a while, and we went out and ate a lot of food. We also watched The Ladykillers, which really was quite the hilarious movie. And we fixed the blinds in my room and my mom's room. All in all, a pretty uneventful visit, but fun nonetheless.
I had forgotten how much I Love FF6. Love, with capital letters. L - O - V - E. Even though there are a crapload of characters (which, incidentally, makes for some rather annoying hours of leveling up), there is only one I really don't like, and that's Relm. Of course, she's the token annoying little brat, and she's there for people to hate her. She does her job well.
Anywho, Celes is cool. Terra is cool. Edgar is cool. Sabin is cool. Cyan is cool. Shadow is cool. Setzer is beyond cool. Gau...gau is friggin' cute. Locke is...lukewarm I guess. I can't get over his "Ai yi yi" line during the Opera sequence. That just made him one big stupid dork. But he steals tonics for me, so all is well. Hell, I even like Kefka, the perverted bastard.
I have the feeling I left somebody out. Ah well. They're cool too. And I love the soundtrack. If you listen closely, you can hear the bits Uematsu reused for the other games. Whenever I win a battle in FF6, I see chocobos in my mind from FF7.
:: britt was abducted @ 8:58 PM,
Sunday, March 14, 2004
The stupid kids down the street were wailing and screaming (that seems awfully redundant to me) at ungodly hours in the morning (that is to say, 6 or 7-ish), waking me and the keeping me awake. It wouldn't be so bad if they didn't do it practically every other Saturday early in the morning when I'm trying to get some much needed sleep. And the fact that they've been doing it for YEARS. I swear, the next time they do that, I'm gonna yell out my window for them to shut the hell up.
Anyways, I was wondering what I usually do when I get pissed and want to rant, and remembered this little sucker. Ah well. School's been keeping me pretty busy. Can't wait til the summer, I'm taking the term off. I wanna do a roadtrip, but I kinda doubt my parents will let me. Poo.
:: britt was abducted @ 3:12 PM,
Saturday, March 13, 2004