:: re-adjustable wings ::

now with velcro tabs
02/01/2003 - 03/01/200303/01/2003 - 04/01/200304/01/2003 - 05/01/200305/01/2003 - 06/01/200306/01/2003 - 07/01/200307/01/2003 - 08/01/200308/01/2003 - 09/01/200309/01/2003 - 10/01/200310/01/2003 - 11/01/200311/01/2003 - 12/01/200312/01/2003 - 01/01/200401/01/2004 - 02/01/200402/01/2004 - 03/01/200403/01/2004 - 04/01/200404/01/2004 - 05/01/200405/01/2004 - 06/01/200406/01/2004 - 07/01/200407/01/2004 - 08/01/200401/01/2005 - 02/01/200502/01/2005 - 03/01/200503/01/2005 - 04/01/200505/01/2005 - 06/01/2005
[:: archive ::]
[:: Linkage ::]
:: Christine
:: Lalita
:: Danielle
:: Melissa
:: Sinfest
:: Men in Hats
:: 8-bit Theater
:: Gotham Girls
:: Kim Jongs Il
:: The Onion
you lazy ass
Listening to:
Somewhere only we know -
Tsubasa Chronicle
Devil May Cry 2
job hunting
sorta blah
Vital Stats
brittany lee
not enough
too much
currently open for donations
excessive sleeping, useless comic trivia
volleyball, sleep, tv, art, anime, comics, games, this blog, chalk festivals, and college. especially college.
Pet Peeves:
spiders, damn spiders
i heart anybody with an eyepatch

turn off the television, and look only at me

I didn't stall the Porsche! I'm so happy. I only drove it for like half a mile, and in 2 gears but I didn't stall! I lurched and shrieked a couple of times (me, not the car...well, the car a little too), but all in all, my dad said he was happy I didn't kill his car/him. I wasn't too keen on taking the wheel at first, but he kept insisting.

Dad: It's about time you learned how to drive stick.
Me: What? I've only had my license for about half a year, you know.
Dad: Right. And I say it's about time you learned how to drive stick.

Well, for less exciting news, I finally finished FF8. I have to say, as a game, I do believe it sucked. Sucked bad. But I absolutely loved Quistis, Xu, Seifer, Fujin (and Raijin, can't leave the posse incomplete), and Nida. I'm a sucker for NPCs and secondary characters. Quistis is such a cool name.

Kingdom Hearts so far is pretty fun, but tends to give me headaches. I like my fighting areas fixed, thankyouverymuch. I understand the whole realistic spin on controlling the view of the rooms and all, but really, it's stupid that I can't attack an enemy thats behind me simply because I have to hold down R2 or R1 and wait for the camera to rotate and put the damn thing into view. The spinning makes me dizzy. @_@ I also have to mention that the japanese version of the theme song is MUCH better than the english version. They're both by Utada Hikaru, who rocks, but well, get it yourself and compare.

Tidus, Wakka, and Selphie all freaked the hell outta me. They were chibified and their voices mangled and ended up even more annoying than the originals. Yuffie was okay (less whiney that I expected), Squall - oh, I'm sorry - Leon was fruitified a new definition of gay, and while everybody apparently "lost" their worlds to the Heartless, Aerith simply came back from the dead, skipped on over to an alternate dimension, reversed time to become a little girl, and then lost her world to the big black blobs. I think Sephiroth would cry to learn all his maniacal homocidal exploits have been so callously tossed aside.

"Dammit, now everybody'll think that I'm really not some heartless bastard! They other evil-doers will make fun of me! Kefka keeps pulling my hair, and Kuja keeps hitting on me!"

Mwahahahaaa...yes, this is what the evil villains of the FF series are doing to each other in my head. Seymour flirts with Sephiroth too. Hell, Seymour flirts with everybody. Except Ultimecia, because instead of a face she has a glowing ball of light. That's just not attractive. Neither is her odd impulse to use "k"s when there should be "c"s when she talks.

Still reading? Well, you must be either really bored, or really masochistic.

:: britt was abducted @ 11:18 PM, Saturday, January 31, 2004 ::

or e-mail me

so if anyone alse has anything else to say...

Happy Chinese New Year!

Nothing really special happened today (what an inasupicious way to start the new year!), but yesterday I got to park in the fire lane at school. Me and about 30 other students. But today I got to park in the parking lot. The back of the parking lot, but in the lot nonetheless. I have also discovered that some student owns this pretty Shelby GT350, and I want to meet him and become friends, and sponge rides off of him. And I would try not hide in the bushes and beat him unconscious and steal his keys. But alas, I had plans to eat in the New Year with my grandma, and thus could not loiter around the car waiting for it's owner like an obsessive freak. Which I am not. Really.

:: britt was abducted @ 9:29 PM, Friday, January 23, 2004 ::

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or so i thought

Skimming through my happy new Alien 9 DVD has me both elated and slightly disappointed. The dialogue translation is actually pretty good, and surprise surprise, the dub isn't horrendous and painful. Not that I would actually sit all the way through it, anyways. In fact, I was most disappointed in the song lyric translation, more than anything. I have to say that I recommend the fansubs over the official English release; thats not to say go pirate anime, mind you, just buy the DVD on sale and then download the fansubs. No harm, no foul. And the soundtrack rocks.

Of course, the mistranslations for the songs has me worried about the Utena DVDs - Alien 9 and Utena has been liscensed by the same company (Central Park Media), and while I'm happy they're tackling some of the more controversial series, mistranslating a song in Utena can make or break a whole episode.

...not really, but the charming chants which play during the duels do make an absurd sort of sense, with a different one for each, er, "unique" situation. Yes, unique would be the right word.

I'm going to blow so much money on DVDs this year, I know it. Somebody give me money. Needy otaku in need of funds.

:: britt was abducted @ 12:11 AM, Wednesday, January 21, 2004 ::

or e-mail me

take me while you can

Well, finally returned to college. I had forgotten how fun 5 hour long classes were. But its all good, today I got to park in the sculpture garden. For the whole term last year, I found parking spaces in the actual parking lot, yet on the first day of second term I have to drive down to the grassy lot next to our one sad basketball court. Go figure. A recent survey states that Art Center has 900 legal parking spaces for 1200 students who all drive because frankly, there isn't any other way to get to campus without adding an hour to the commute. And now they're thinking of adding a parking charge on top of our already hefty tuition. We were all booing in the registration line when we got to that part of the survey.
Anyways, for any of those who care, my funky schedule.

M : 1-4
T : 2-7, 7-10
W : free!
Th : 8-1, 2-7
F: 2-7

Hmmm....I have one more class than last term (6 this time, yikes!) and again I am stuck on campus for most of the day. I don't even get a break in-between classes on Tuesday! Which might make some of you more aware people wonder how, exactly, I'm making this blog right now. The answer is simple: my freakish night class from 7-10 doesn't start til next week. How joyous. As for why my classes don't seem to have titles...I'm just too lazy to look it all up and type it down.

I love October Project. You should too. Don't know who I'm talking about? Shame on you.

:: britt was abducted @ 7:43 PM, Tuesday, January 20, 2004 ::

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in too deep

Hmmm, I've come to the conclusion that I just can't enjoy anything thats not psychologically twisted in some strange, and usually Freudian way. Of course, if its artsy enough, I'll still like it. If its artsy and twisted, I'll love it.

Case in point: the anime series/movie Shoujo Kakumei Utena.

Every character has some huge psychological flaw, and everyone is so sexually ambiguous you can't be sure who's screwing who and who's already been screwed by who.
And then there's one guy who I'm sure has gotten everybody. Damn you, Akio. You and your car.

But oh, its one of the most arty anime series/movie I have ever seen, and the soundtrack is to die for, and everyone is so very pretty.

...I am so shallow.

"From: EJ()

bumper sticker spotted on a red convertible speeding down the highway:

Dear Akio,
Hate you.
Hate Ohtori.
Took the car.
- Anthy

What a spiffy alternate ending. I would so drabble that if I could get anything other than the mental image-- and if that damn last scene from Cruel Intentions wouldn't stop trying to overlay it. Akio with the single tear running down his cheek and Anthy with her hair blowing out in the wind. Yowza."

-from Thorne's blog

Hahahaa...this girl cracks me up. And I would buy that bumper sticker if it existed.

"my sixth-grader can beat up you honor student"
"Honk if you love metaphors"
"honk if you love mullets"
"My other car is powered by Dios"

I would buy these too.

:: britt was abducted @ 2:41 AM, Monday, January 12, 2004 ::

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DSL problems abound. Little ol' me is trying to get our wireless connection to work, and this lil ol' computer refuses to cooperate. "This lil ol' computer" happens to be the piece of junk in the family room - not to be mistaken with my lovable computer downstairs, which whirs soothingly and emits a soft, alien blue glow. Oh yeah.

Anyways, to catch up - New Year's Eve/New Year's Day was pretty much a bore. Didn't do much, except watch Big Fish at the ArcLight. It's disturbingly crowded there on holidays. It was full of trendy people. Ew. The movie was good though.

And from then on, I pretty much puttered around home. Hm. Oh. And Brandon went back up to Davis yesterday. Wow, my life is sad.

Although I did go to the LA Auto Show, and that was pretty nifty. There were no Shelbys (but that's sorta expected) but there was this pretty black Corvette Stingray in a bubble. Yes, a bubble. The new car to look out for was the Aston Martin Vanquish, which was just so very pretty. You'll notice I use "pretty" a lot, but I haven't had to kickstart my brain for weeks, so you'll just have to excuse me.

But putting all that aside, Happy 2004 to everybody, and uh, Kudos (I guess) on your move, Christine! You're lucky I'll be willing to suffer a whole 10 minutes on the road to visit you. Or wait an extra 10 minutes for you to drive to me, hah! But alas, my poor UC friends are all going to have to go back to their respective prison cells--er, dorm rooms soon, and I will be the only one free til the 15th.


I still wanna snowboard some more though.

:: britt was abducted @ 11:25 PM, Sunday, January 04, 2004 ::

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