:: re-adjustable wings ::

now with velcro tabs
02/01/2003 - 03/01/200303/01/2003 - 04/01/200304/01/2003 - 05/01/200305/01/2003 - 06/01/200306/01/2003 - 07/01/200307/01/2003 - 08/01/200308/01/2003 - 09/01/200309/01/2003 - 10/01/200310/01/2003 - 11/01/200311/01/2003 - 12/01/200312/01/2003 - 01/01/200401/01/2004 - 02/01/200402/01/2004 - 03/01/200403/01/2004 - 04/01/200404/01/2004 - 05/01/200405/01/2004 - 06/01/200406/01/2004 - 07/01/200407/01/2004 - 08/01/200401/01/2005 - 02/01/200502/01/2005 - 03/01/200503/01/2005 - 04/01/200505/01/2005 - 06/01/2005
[:: archive ::]
[:: Linkage ::]
:: Christine
:: Lalita
:: Danielle
:: Melissa
:: Sinfest
:: Men in Hats
:: 8-bit Theater
:: Gotham Girls
:: Kim Jongs Il
:: The Onion
you lazy ass
Listening to:
Somewhere only we know -
Tsubasa Chronicle
Devil May Cry 2
job hunting
sorta blah
Vital Stats
brittany lee
not enough
too much
currently open for donations
excessive sleeping, useless comic trivia
volleyball, sleep, tv, art, anime, comics, games, this blog, chalk festivals, and college. especially college.
Pet Peeves:
spiders, damn spiders
i heart anybody with an eyepatch

because if Santa and the Holiday...Armadillo...are in the same room for too long, the universe will implode!

X-mas was pretty fun. Went out to the Arclight to watch Big Fish, but they sold out of tickets. Instead we went to Starbucks, and muddled around at home where I revisited Holbein and my love for Emily Dickenson. According to Brandon, my idolization of her and her poetry is readily apparent in my own writing. Hm. Isn't that interesting.

Anyways, we ended up going to Tower Records, and the to our annual Christmas dinner, this time at Auntie Pat's house. Ate, drank, and made merry with the cousins (but its always fun with them) and played Texas Hold'em with REAL poker chips. They were so cool.

Finally, we hauled ass to the Wong's place, and commenced playing Halo for hours. It was great. We played no radar, Rocket Launchers only. The suicides were hilarious.

Went home at around 12:30 am (pretty early, actually) and finally opened our presents. I need to go to the bank. And that was Christmas Day. Yay!

Also of important note:
Last night when my brother was on the comp, he heard me laugh in my sleep. An evil laugh. Like..."heh heh heh." A sinister snicker, if you will.

Am I scary or what?

:: britt was abducted @ 12:53 PM, Friday, December 26, 2003 ::

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somebody spiked the eggnog

It's raining! In LA! On Christmas! Apparently for the first time in 20 years.

Woke up at around 11:30, puttered around til now. Went upstairs to be envious of my brother and his new TempurPedic(tm) mattress pad. Man, does your butt sink into that one. Haven't opened any presents yet, and am running out of things to say. Blog back later, but for now I'll leave a happy little quote from Christmas Eve.

"So if we get married, and you hypenate your last name, you could be 'Ho-Lee!'"
-Brandon, to Patty at dinner

Mwahahahaaa...she's so fun to hang out with. We spent the Eve watching Anastasia, It's a Wonderful Life, and the Nutcracker ballet and cracking bad jokes.

"That's Patty, our Loafer."

:: britt was abducted @ 12:28 PM, Thursday, December 25, 2003 ::

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on the first day of christmas, my true love gave to me...

"It's not easy being Tifa, and if not for a friendly phone call, the poor gal wouldn't even be in the game. Final Fantasy VII character designer Tetsuya Nomura called up director Yoshinori Kitase one Sunday evening with a radical idea: 'Let's just kill Aerith.'"

Mwahahahaa...excerpt from Dec. 21, off of the ff7 advent calendar.

Gotta love Nomura, the crazy bastard.

:: britt was abducted @ 12:13 PM, Tuesday, December 23, 2003 ::

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even those mosquito bites will look like plump mangoes

It seems that I'm in a bit of a movie marathon. Yesterday was Lord of the Rings: the Return of the King(in theaters), today was Bend it Like Beckham(on dvd), and tomorrow it'll be Punch Drunk Love(also on dvd).

LotR: the Return of the King was pretty good. Stayed pretty true to the book. I was elated when Frodo showed his true wussiness and almost doomed/destroyed Middle Earth. Samwise is my hero.

Bend it Like Beckham was okay. It had some funny moments, as well as some sucky ones. I pondered aloud the choice of "Beckham" as an idol for Jesminder. I figured Mia Hamm would be the more ideal choice, as she seems to be the embodiment of all that is Women Empowerment in Sports.

Then Brandon pointed out that "Bend it Like Hamm" just doesn't have that same harmonious ring to it.

And that quote up there is taken directly from the movie.

:: britt was abducted @ 11:06 PM, Friday, December 19, 2003 ::

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We went snowboarding,
I tried to learn how to carve.
My ass really hurts.

:: britt was abducted @ 10:12 PM, Wednesday, December 17, 2003 ::

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the more to waste time with

I can't wait til I get FFX-2. I don't care about Yuna, but Paine is so cool. I'll miss Lulu, but hey, one goth for another; fair trade, no?

:: britt was abducted @ 7:58 PM, Tuesday, December 16, 2003 ::

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very occasionally, if you really pay attention, life doesn't suck

Just realized I haven't blogged about being absolutely FREE for the next 4 weeks. I feel so...liberated. But then I see all those GAP commercials and remember I have to go buy christmas gifts for people on a veeery small budget. Sorry guys.

On the other hand, I luv my iPod. The wires are hella long and a little annoying but, its so much fun to mess around with. Whenever I plug it into my computer, it literally sucks songs from my music library and into its cute little harddrive. It's like a vampire. It's unsatiable. I'm thinking of naming it Lestat.

Er, yeah. So, winter break, woo hoo! Snowboarding time, baby!

:: britt was abducted @ 11:10 PM, Saturday, December 13, 2003 ::

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makes the world go 'round

Half way through the Average Joe finale last night, it was revealed that the "average joe" was really a "very rich millionare average joe." I spent the last 50 minutes of the show making snarky comments on how everything was now about looks versus money to my mom, and we both agreed wholeheartedly that Miscellaneous Hot Chick (her name escapes me) was going to choose Rich Dude (whose name also escapes me) over Pretty and Stupid, Still Attending College and Living With His Parents Guy (Jason? maybe?).
But lo and behold, Misc. Hot Chick chooses the looker! I was shocked to very core. Imagine that - choosing unemployed aimless pretty boy over 27 year old millionare.

If the rest of the world were like this, I would think my brother has it pretty good, actually.

As it is, I am already shaken in my belief that money is everything.

:: britt was abducted @ 12:36 PM, Tuesday, December 09, 2003 ::

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the oldest job in the business

My computer, the fickle whore, refuses to run certain programs beyond certain points. Namely when I try to disconnect my iPod from Musicmatch and when I have to race chocobos in FFVII. I want to beat it with a stick, only whenever I'm really tempted to, the whirring of it's fan gently reminds me of the superior guts that lay within. Ohh, damn you, ATI graphics card.

DFI PS83-BL board
Hercules Game Theater XP 7.1
my old reliable TDK CDRW 40x
512 RAM
110 gig HD
a beautiful ViewSonic VA720 LCD 17" moniter
Radeon 9200 ATI graphics accelerator card
plus, a big fat fan with a speed control dial on the face of the computer case, which has this neat see-through window on one side. Not that I can see it, of course.

It's name is Mao, and it dictates what I can and cannot do. It's quite sad really.

:: britt was abducted @ 11:28 AM, Monday, December 08, 2003 ::

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