:: re-adjustable wings ::

now with velcro tabs
02/01/2003 - 03/01/200303/01/2003 - 04/01/200304/01/2003 - 05/01/200305/01/2003 - 06/01/200306/01/2003 - 07/01/200307/01/2003 - 08/01/200308/01/2003 - 09/01/200309/01/2003 - 10/01/200310/01/2003 - 11/01/200311/01/2003 - 12/01/200312/01/2003 - 01/01/200401/01/2004 - 02/01/200402/01/2004 - 03/01/200403/01/2004 - 04/01/200404/01/2004 - 05/01/200405/01/2004 - 06/01/200406/01/2004 - 07/01/200407/01/2004 - 08/01/200401/01/2005 - 02/01/200502/01/2005 - 03/01/200503/01/2005 - 04/01/200505/01/2005 - 06/01/2005
[:: archive ::]
[:: Linkage ::]
:: Christine
:: Lalita
:: Danielle
:: Melissa
:: Sinfest
:: Men in Hats
:: 8-bit Theater
:: Gotham Girls
:: Kim Jongs Il
:: The Onion
you lazy ass
Listening to:
Somewhere only we know -
Tsubasa Chronicle
Devil May Cry 2
job hunting
sorta blah
Vital Stats
brittany lee
not enough
too much
currently open for donations
excessive sleeping, useless comic trivia
volleyball, sleep, tv, art, anime, comics, games, this blog, chalk festivals, and college. especially college.
Pet Peeves:
spiders, damn spiders
i heart anybody with an eyepatch

Apparently the internet here at school doesn't let one check her e-mail, but will let her post to her blog. So...ta da! Not much to say because I'm doing this mostly due to the sad fact that I am BORED. Tried to get Frank to visit us at school today, don't think he's going to...grrr. Bad Frank. Other than that...
My mom got mad at me last night for not doing the dishes...I can't help it if I had a ton of homework. If I had more time I really would have, but the 5 was backed up, so...an hour wasted on the road right there. Plus with my night class at LACC, I couldn't do much Wednesday either. And on Tuesday we ate out with my bro, who left yesterday. Busy busy week. Can't wait til Saturday, where I get to sleep in til...oh my gosh...8:30! Before I have yet another class, this time at Art Center. For my senior year, I seem to be doing alot...

But on a brighter note, the guys v-ball team is doing well! At least varsity anyways.

"Ahh! I'm going the wrong way!"

-dani, in the parking lot noting that the arrows are pointing towards her.

:: britt was abducted @ 10:46 AM, Friday, March 28, 2003 ::

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My brother came back home today for spring break, he just missed our cousin and uncle (they left Saturday). I can't believe how much this sucks. Everybody has a spring break except me! Well, me and the other 2,000 kids on track at Marshall. Nothing much else to say actually...the boys won in Volleyball today, both the JV and the Varsity. Good game, the Varsity. Just kept going and going. Made me and La sleepy. Then I walked down to Mayfair...er, Gelson's and bought some chips and coffee. It was 7 bucks. Ouch. I ain't never shopping there again, unless I'm desperate, which will be rare because there's a Trader Joe's and Say Cheese right across the street. Mmmm, california melt...turkey and tomatoes and melted swiss...mmmmm....cheese...

Melissa: What's that?
Me: I traced my veins (in pen). I got really bored in 4th.
Melissa: Ewwww!
Me: Why does everyone say that?

:: britt was abducted @ 9:13 PM, Monday, March 24, 2003 ::

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-- Click Here To Take The Test --

Jacked this from Christine's (Shogun Go) blog. Some of them say the opposite of the what the others say, though. Ha ha, I clash.

:: britt was abducted @ 8:27 PM, Saturday, March 22, 2003 ::

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I cleaned my room. Not just spot-cleaned either; it was the dusty-dirty-lift-things-up-and-thoroughly-wipe-them kind of cleaning. This kind of stuff doesn't happen every decade. But I did it for my cousin, who is visiting from Washington for her spring break (sucky school that I'm in doesn't give me a spring break). So her, her brother, and my uncle were all supposed to be here, but her brother couldn't make it. So my newly presentable-to-humankind room is still just housing me (also often unpresentable to the outside world), as she is sleeping on the couch in the family room. Right now. Even snoring a little. Hee hee. Its great to see her again though. Last time she came down to LA was about 3 or so years ago, when she wanted to go to a big concert - she's from this little hick town, population 2,000. But the only thing going on down here at the time was the Lilith fair, and lo and behold! We went, and she got hit on by a woman. The perils of the big city. It was great to see the Dixie Chicks and Sarah McLachlan live though. Loooove Sarah McLachlan. Someone buy me concert tickets. I'll give you pocky. Green pocky, even.

:: britt was abducted @ 7:28 PM, Tuesday, March 18, 2003 ::

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Urgh. I've got a live biter on hand, people! Really, is it that hard to come up with your own stuff?

:: britt was abducted @ 10:23 PM, Thursday, March 13, 2003 ::

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So, about Angel...is anyone else as disturbed as I am with Cordelia's and Conner's relationship? I think it makes me nauseous. Damn. I used to like Cordy too. She's one of the only characters to have any actual growth. Barring her whole new recent "I've turned into an evil demon-face-sucking bitch" thing she's got going on now. But on a brighter note, Faith still kicks ass! Well, sorta...

"The goody-two-shoes people didn't help, the bad-girl didn't help, so I guess all they've got left to try is the lesbian." - Ellie, on the preview for the next Angel episode (Willow makes an appearance)

:: britt was abducted @ 10:40 PM, Wednesday, March 12, 2003 ::

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This Wednesday. 9:00 PM. Channel 5, KTLA. Faith returns to 'Angel.' It's the rebirth of Eliza Dushku. She's gonna kick Angel's sorry undead broody ass. And I'm gonna miss it, dammit! Why? Why did my class have to be 4 hours long? I'm gonna have to buy a new VCR (the one we own at the moment kinda doesn't seem to do that properly) just to record this episode. Don't know what I'm talking about? Shame on you. Go look her up. E-L-I-Z-A D-U-S-H-K-U. Bask in her glory. Or better yet, go find some old Buffy/Angel episodes where she makes guest appearances, and send them to me. If you do, I'll give you pocky. And I am not obsessed. Faith is cool. She deserves a bigger fanbase than goody-two-shoes holier-than-thou Buffy. I think I got tired of her after she died and came back to life. The second time, I mean. (Although, 'Once More With Feeling' was the best Buffy episode that season. Hahaa...cracks me up.)

"She's like this cleavagey slut-bomb walking around going 'Oh, check me out. I'm wicked cool. I'm five by five.' "
"Five by five? Five what by five what?"
"See, thats the thing. No one knows."
-Willow and Tara on Faith

:: britt was abducted @ 10:43 PM, Monday, March 03, 2003 ::

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