Time-killers: volleyball, sleep, tv, art, anime, comics, games, this blog, chalk festivals, and college. especially college.
Pet Peeves: spiders, damn spiders
Weaknesses: eyepatches i heart anybody with an eyepatch
Despite all my love for them, I have to admit the Final Fantasy RPGs have an absurd amount of pervert fanboy appeal. I mean, in reviewing each game, there's always a big-breasted, scantily clad female character. Who, in the more recent CG-oriented gameplay of today, participate in a disturbing amount of FMV scenes which seem to rotate, circle, and zoom in on aforementioned women. Now, normally I don't mind so much, since its easy to be distracted by all the flashy pretty lights that accompany said FMVs, but after 10+ hours of watching Lulu try to flash me, it gets a bit tiring. You see, she's actually one of my favorite characters of FFX (mainly because Tidus is a dork and Wakka is a moron), and it just kinda sucks that, well, she keeps having to jut her chest at the screen after battles. Square could stand to use a little tact.
Although it still makes me crack up when Lulu pulls potions out of her cleavage.
:: britt was abducted @ 6:43 PM,
Thursday, February 27, 2003
1) Patsy Cline makes me horribly depressed
2) Shania Twain still makes me laugh
3) Listening to the two back to back results in a rather interesting blend of giggling hysterically and wallowing in self-pity
4) The spicy salsa I bought at Trader Joe's today is not at all "hot"
:: britt was abducted @ 9:29 PM,
Saturday, February 22, 2003
Gosh, it's intimidating. I just got back from an LACC art class which just started today (it's 4 hours and 15 minutes long, eep). Its "Life Drawing: The Human Anatamy and Form," or something like that, and the prof's really great. Nice and talented, the whole shebang. But when I first walked into the classroom, late as usual - though it was all mom's fault, everyone took a couple of seconds of their time to stop whatever they were doing and stare at me. Now, maybe it was just because I was late. Or maybe it was because I look so freakin young. Or maybe it was the dorkie glasses I had on because I was too lazy to put on contacts. Or maybe it was because I was wearing a UCLA sweatshirt. But I digress. They were staring. I was nervous. It was awkward. Then everyone ignored me. Much better. Moving along...I found an unoccupied seat wedged inbetween two other classmates, both probably twice my age at least. And looking around, I noticed more old people. Like, alot. Seriously, the age average must've been 30 or something. And once the model showed up (yes, nude you perverts) and everybody started drawing, I knew I was gonna hate myself. I mean, here I am, a little puny high schooler in a room full of college students trying to draw. To make matters worse I think I was the shortest too. During a break I took a look around, and while nobody was of earth shaking talent or skill, they were still a helluva lot better than I was. It's so depressing, dammit. I gotta go practice more.
:: britt was abducted @ 11:51 PM,
Wednesday, February 12, 2003
Okay, since I actually bothered to make one of these things, might as well rant in it.
Today, or rather yersterday, it started to rain. Now, that might not be such a big deal to most people, but for us dry parched Los Angelos inhabitants, its like as rare as people getting struck by lightning. Or attacked by sharks. Which is to say, very rare. And while personally, I don't mind the actual rain so much, its just that every single time there's more than a 1/2 an inch of downpour, the friggin power goes out. For hours. So me, being electrically dependent for any sort of fun timekiller (ie the computer, the tv, my playstation) am left high and dry. Oh, what irony. But on the bright side, I did get to light a few matches. I mean, I could do that anytime I wanted, sure, but this gave it...you know...meaning or something.
Oh, and I also hate how the stupid 'Insert' key is so close to the 'Backspace' button. Can I help it if I'm a little overzealous in my typing?
Don't worry, this is only temporary. First time and all that. I just got caught up in all the blogs popping up that, well, this happened. It's like a drug! Or a horribly infectious disease. Oh yeah, it's contagious. And you're next.
Look ma, I'm being trendy!
:: britt was abducted @ 9:20 PM,
Tuesday, February 11, 2003